How To Communicate Better: Balance Your Throat Chakra

How to communicate better

How Our Communication Improves When Our Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Is Balanced

Mastering balance in the throat chakra helps us to release unneccesary thinking or over-analysis in our conscious minds.  When we truly know how we feel and what we believe, that truth shows us how to communicate better with ourselves and others.

Experience In Childhood Can Create Throat Chakra Imbalance

Our experiences in childhood can often create imbalance in our throat chakras.  For example, let’s say we wanted to study art at university, and yet our parents were concerned for our future financial security, and as a result, we ended up studying accounting instead.  We dislike the experience enormously, and yet we continue to complete our degree to please our parents.

Of course, this is just one example of how we may choose to repress our true selves.  Another example may be growing up in a family where we were taught it was vulgar or inappropriate to celebrate our gifts and talents.  Or perhaps you were taught to ‘fit in’ or not to make to much noise or draw attention to yourself.  Whatever the cause, there are so many ways that we can end up diminishing our true selves by trying to please others or accepting familial or societal beliefs.

Thoughts Become Beliefs Become Habits

The point is, when we constantly diminish our real selves with our behavioural habits, they work in tandem with our belief system to undermine our confidence.  Effectively, we can find it difficult to make decisions, never quite sure if we’re doing the right thing.  In fact, we may persist in an unfulfilled life experience, because we can’t find the belief in ourselves to make a change and do what we really love.

When we balance our throat chakra we learn how to confidently choose our life.  What’s more, we learn how to communicate better and convey our choices freely, without the weight of emotion.

Interestingly, we often begin to balance and develop our throat chakra between the ages of 28 years and 35 years.

How Our Throat Chakra Relates To Our Body

The Archetypes of The Throat Chakra

Ruled by the element of ether and linked to the planet of Mercury, our throat chakra relates to our confidence in giving ourselves permission to be who we are and to speak that truth freely.  From an archetypal perspective, we are either The Communicator or The Masked Self.

The Masked Self

The archetype of ‘The Masked Self’ may appear as a joker or a clown.  Perhaps we are always laughing or making fun of life.  Moreover, this may further be exacerbated by over-positivity and an unrealistic view of life.

Often, we use the mask to cover the tragedy of life and the disappointments we have buried deeply. Indeed, sometimes the mask is used to separate us from others so as not to be hurt.  Frequently, we are reacting from long experiences of feeling ‘not listened to’ or ‘unheard’.  Hence the ability to be elusive allows us to resist full commitment to ourselves and to others.  In order to take off the mask, we want to spend time balancing the lower chakras and working to release old hurts we’re clinging onto from our past.

Coaching can be beneficial for the unmasking process.  In addition, you might be interested to work with my chakra meditations (start with the Root Chakra) and my ‘Morning RANTRA’ series, to support you in speaking out your truth.

How To Communicate Better

The Communicator

We get in touch with the communicator when we’ve found balance by working with our lower chakras.  We’ve found stability in our root chakra and we feel safe in being who we are.   In our sacral chakra we find balance to be who we are and trust the world.  Moreover, as we balance our heart chakra we find the compassion to understand that if other’s don’t hear us as we intend them to, it’s because they’re not yet ready to receive the information or the intention.  Furthermore, when we communicate who we are, we operate from a perspective of connection and rather than a need for approval or affirmation.

This creates a free flow in our communication as we are not expecting a certain response, or questioning how the other person receives the information.  Consequently, this mindset prevents the over-thinking we might experience as The Masked Self.

If you’d like to learn more about the Chakra system, please read my article “9 Things You Should Know About Chakras.

How To Communicate Better - Freeing Our Thoughts From The Throat Chakra

Sound, rather than word, is a universal language.  We are naturally trained to respond to the tonality, pitch, cadence and volume of someone’s voice.  In fact, coupled with body language, the way we use our voice is a far more important element of powerful communication than the content of what we say.

Moreover, when we are clear about our ideas, and when we know what we think and what we believe our voice sounds different when we express ourselves.  It flows at a slightly different frequency, and travels from deeper within our body.

People Buy Certainty

There’s a well-known saying “People buy certainty”.  I agree, and yet, we often misguide ourselves by imagining that certainty conveyed in the words we use is the difference that makes the difference.  In fact, it’s the certainty conveyed in the frequency of our voice that people can hear.  It’s a quiet sort of confidence in the certainty of who we are and what we express that travels out to the world without expectation or need for reassurance.

Therefore, when we are quietly confident in who we are and what we believe, people are convinced by the way we communicate.  We don’t need to persuade or convince someone else.  Specifically, it’s about attracting the right people based on how we convey the message. 

Essentially, when we speak our truth, people can develop trusting feelings towards us.  We resonate with what we say and our message is magnified.  What’s more, there’s no need for secrecy and our open approach can break down barriers and uncertainty in others. 

If you’d like to connect more with your truth and build your confidence in speaking your truth, you might be interested in engaging in Purpose Coaching with me.  In the meantime, feel free to use my guided Throat Chakra meditation below to work on increasing your freedom to speak out.

The Throat Chakra In And Out of Balance

Throat Chakra Spinning Too Fast

  • Self-righteous
  • Dogmatic
  • Arrogant
  • Talking too much
  • Inability to hear or listen – overthinking in the conscious
  • Adoption of fads or the ideas of others

Blocked Throat Chakra

  • Inconsistency in thoughts, views and beliefs
  • Resistance in expressing our truth
  • Unreliable and unable to commit
  • Blocked creativity
  • Physical problems with the thyroid and throat area
  • Lack of confidence and a need for secrecy

Watch My Throat Chakra Meditation on YouTube to Bring Harmony And Confidence Into Your Communication

Use this 35-minute meditation to bring your throat chakra back into balance. Specifically, pop your headphones in and focus on the sound of my voice.  In fact, all you have to do is follow the instructions.

If you’d like to be notified about new uploads to listen and watch on my You Tube Channel, please subscribe by clicking the button below.

Find Out More About Working With Me

To find out more about coaching with me, or if you’d like to arrange a call to see if we’re a good fit for one another, please send me an email to

You can book coaching online here.

Find out about NLP Training here.

If you’re interested in group training and coaching, you can check out my Farcical Life Programmes here.

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