The Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind in Neurolinguistic Programming

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) delves deep into the intricate interplay between language, behaviour, and thought patterns. As we navigate through life, understanding the prime directives of the unconscious mind becomes paramount. 

Whether you’re a coach, a leader, or an individual on a journey of self-discovery, gaining clarity on the core directives of the unconscious mind is critical to unlocking profound personal growth.

Deciphering the Prime Directives: A Strategic Approach

To simplify the intricate tapestry of the prime directives, let’s organiwe them into four strategic categories using the mnemonic SEPE:

Survival & Protection
Emotions & Energy
Perception & Information
Expansion & Growth

Let’s delve deeper into each category.

Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

Survival & Protection: Nurturing Life's Core

1. Survival Principle: The unconscious mind (U.M.) diligently safeguards and enriches life. 

For example, we will always do whatever it takes to survive.

2. Direction Principle: It instinctively gravitates towards pleasure while shying away from pain to ensure our safety and well-being.  The U.M. can also push against emotions and beliefs. 

For example, if we believe that driving is dangerous, our focus rests on the potential dangers rather than the safe aspects.

3. Primary Gain Principle: Prioritising intrinsic needs such as physical safety, sustenance, and health is paramount.

4. Secondary Gain Principle: Seeking additional benefits, the unconscious mind perpetuates behaviours aligned with perceived protection.  

For example, if we believe that people are dangerous, we may get more from maintaining an isolated existence than we do from creating opportunities for connection. 

5. Systemic Whole Principle: The UM seeks harmony and is unable to maximise potential when conflicting parts exist.

Whether associated or dissociated parts operate, the conflict creates either a ‘stuck state’ or unwanted behaviour.

6. Autonomic Principle: Runs the autonomic nervous system and preserves the body. The UM has a blueprint for perfect health.

Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind
Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

Emotions & Energy: Harnessing the Power Within

1. Emotion Principle 1: Emotions serve as invaluable navigational tools, offering insights and guidance.

When we learn to befriend our emotions we are empowered with insight.

2. Emotion Principle 2: Memories are intricately woven into a gestalt, shaping our emotional landscape.

Memories can contain multiple emotions.

3. Emotion Principle 3: Unresolved emotional imprints are delicately held until the opportune moment for resolution.

The body is a bio-mechanical feedback device.

4. Energy Principle 1: The unconscious mind is a master of energy, orchestrating its generation, storage, distribution, and transmission.

5. Energy Principle 2: It effortlessly navigates the path of least resistance, conserving energy with graceful efficiency.

6. Energy Principle 3: All thoughts and emotions are energy and hold a specific frequency. 

Shame, for example, has a frequency of 20Hz and Love has a frequency of 540Hz

Perception & Information: Shaping Reality's Canvas

1. Meta-Programmes Principle: Guided by overarching patterns, the unconscious mind orchestrates thought and behaviour.

2. Causality Principle: It inherently seeks cause-and-effect relationships, deciphering the world’s intricate tapestry.

3. Mind-Body Principle: Acknowledging the profound mind-body connection, encourages holistic well-being.

4. Conscious/Unconscious Interface Principle: Bridging the realms of conscious and unconscious, it communicates through thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

5. Hierarchy Principle: Beliefs and values are meticulously organised, shaping our worldview.

6. Time Principle: Information is processed and stored, interwoven with the fabric of time.

7. Context Principle: Behaviours are contextually influenced, reflecting the nuanced interplay of our environment.

8. Choice Principle: Even amidst unconscious processes, the principle of choice remains omnipresent.

9. Responsibility Principle: Embracing accountability, it acknowledges the consequences of actions and choices.

10. Symbolic Principle: Information flows seamlessly through symbolic channels, shaping our reality.

11. Negation Principle: Unable to process negatives, the unconscious mind operates within the realm of affirmation.

Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

Expansion & Growth: Embracing Evolution

1. Change Principle: Ever adaptable, the unconscious mind embraces change as a catalyst for growth.

We are always changing, inside and outside our awareness.

2. Feedback Principle: Harnessing feedback loops, it fine-tunes behaviours and beliefs for protection and safety.

3. Learning Principle: Every experience is an opportunity for learning and growth.

4. Direction Principle: With clarity of purpose, it effortlessly navigates towards its intended destination.

The UM enjoys receiving and following orders.

5. Repetition Principle: Reinforcement through repetition solidifies learning at the unconscious level.

6. Subjective Principle: Every experience is deeply personal, shaping our reality through subjective lenses.

We can expand by resizing partial views and integrating them into the whole perspective.

Insights lead to greater potential

These fundamental principles offer profound insights into the workings of the unconscious mind within the field of hypnosis, Time Line Therapy® and NLP.  When knowledge of the Prime Directives of the unconscious mind is used in conjunction with The Presuppositions of NLP and Robert Dilts’ Neurological Levels of Therapy Model, mastery begins.

Armed with this understanding, individuals can pave the path towards enhanced communication, transcending limitations, and realising their fullest potential.

Explore the depths of your mind, unlock its mysteries, and embark on a journey of transformation.

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