Break FREE From The Mundane and Elevate Every Aspect of Your Life - Personally and Professionally.

Ignite the flame of purpose within you and unlock the extraordinary life you’ve always desired through purpose coaching!

It’s time to break free from the shackles of social conditioning and discover the true essence of who you are.

When you make the decision to engage in 1-2-1 purpose coaching, you’re acknowledging your readiness for change and embracing the belief that you have the power to transform your reality.

Say goodbye to the limitations imposed by external influences and welcome a journey of self-discovery where you’ll peel off the layers of conditioning and unearth your authentic self.

Purpose coaching serves as the catalyst for creating a solid emotional foundation that empowers you to design the life you truly desire. With unwavering support, we’ll guide you towards daily satisfaction and fulfilment.

Through this transformative exploration, you’ll gain crystal-clear clarity on your identity, aspirations, and the proven strategies to achieve your dreams.

Embrace the power within and embark on a purposeful coaching journey to revolutionise your life!

Purpose Coaching Techniques

Alan watts quote purpose coaching

During our Coaching sessions, we will work with a whole host of techniques including those taken from:

  • Clean Language 
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Values Assessment
  • Archetypes
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),
  • Hypnosis
  • Time Line Therapy®
  • Emotional release. 

Some of the techniques used may be outside of your conscious awareness in order that you feel comfortable to just talk. 

You drive the change and development, and you are the only person in control of yourself.   You decide how much support you want and for how long.

Four Things You Need To Know About Purpose Coaching

1. You’re looking for clarity.

Clarity is one of the biggest challenges people face when trying to find their purpose in life. Many people spend years searching for answers without ever finding them. Others give up before they even begin because they think there’s no answer.

2. You’re ready to make changes.

If you’ve been struggling with figuring out what your purpose is, you might feel stuck. That’s normal. Everyone goes through periods where they struggle to define their purpose. However, once you do find clarity, you’ll be able to move forward with confidence.

3. You’re Not Alone.

There are three different types of people who benefit from purpose coaching. These are people who need help defining their purpose, people who need help finding their purpose, and people who need help living their purpose.

4. You Can Do This!

If you’re feeling stuck, confused, or unsure of where to go next, then purpose coaching might be just what you need. A coach will help you identify your purpose and develop a plan to live it.

how To Engage In Purpose Coaching?

If you want to engage in coaching either online or in person, let’s set up an exploration chat to see if we’re a good fit.  Click this link to set a time in my diary for a chat.

Online Coaching

In-Person Coaching (minimum 2-hours)

Transformational Personal Learning Journeys

Purpose Coaching Helps You To Find Your Purpose & Know Your Worth

Mihaly Robert Csikszentmihalyi purpose coaching

Online Purpose Coaching

To schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation please send an email to

To find out more about me please click the link.

In-Person Purpose Coaching

If you’d prefer to work face-to-face, I offer intensive 1-2-1 or 1-2-2 personal coaching packages in the location of your choice.

Please send an email to for more information and to book an online call.

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