Audio Products & Tools

Audio Products & Tools For Self Healing And Guided Meditation

If you’re looking to improve your sleep or overcome your fear, check out my audio products and tools.  I use a combination of twin-vocal, binaural beats and deeply relaxing music and sounds to support you in finding a deep state of relaxation for sleep and balanced emotions.

Hypnosis Audio Products & Tools

Deep Sleep-Tastic Hypnosis 1-Hour (One Track)

Fear Breakthrough Mindset Training & 1-Hour Hypnosis Album (7 Tracks)

Morning Rantra Series – Free Audio Products On My You Tube Channel


Ease Your Insomnia with Deep Sleep-tastic! Hypnosis

“Back in 2011, I decided to create a slightly different kind of track, layering hypnotic vocals twice over binaural beats music.  I wanted to find a way to combat the incessant self-talk inside my head by confusing her into submission!”

Find Your Courage with Fear Breakthrough Hypnosis

Do you find it challenging to direct your mind away from fearful thoughts?

The Fear Breakthrough audio album combines a conscious and unconscious approach to blowing the boundaries on your fears.

I’ve created 6 tracks to talk through the conscious and logical approach to fear release, and the second album contains a 1-hour Fear Release Hypnosis Track for those who want to get right to the heart of the matter.

The hypnosis track uses a combination of dual vocal and binaural beats delta brainwave music to access the unconscious layer of your mind fast – and that’s where you make change.

A Range of Free Audio Products On YouTube

To support you towards guided self-healing I’ve created a range of free audio products and tools on my You Tube Channel.  From meditation, to discussion topics and 5-minute morning rantras, you have several tools to choose from. 

I create free content every month.  Click the ‘subscribe’ button to follow my channel and be notified of new uploads.

Find Out More About Working With Me

If you’d like to find out more about coaching with me, or if you’d like to arrange a call to see if we’re a good fit for one another, please send me an email to

You can book coaching online here.

Find out about NLP Training here.

If you’re interested in group training and coaching, you can check out my Farcical Life Programmes here.

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