NLP vs Natural Language Processing

NLP vs Natural Language Processing

Are you confused about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) vs Natural Language Processing (NLP)?  The cause of the mix-up between NLP and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is evident; they share the same acronym. However, they actually refer to two very different things. In business, it’s critically important we understand the roles of both. Let’s explore! Two Distinct … Read more

The Power of Self-Leadership

The Power of Self-Leadership

Embracing the power of self-leadership is developing the ability to take control of your own life and make decisions that lead to more happiness and success. However, many people resist self-leadership, often due to fear or a lack of confidence. In this post, we’ll explore what self-leadership is, why we resist it, and how to … Read more

Overcoming Biases in Decision-Making

Overcoming Biases in Decision-Making

As a leader, it’s crucial to make objective and unbiased decisions. However, our brains are wired to make decisions based on certain biases. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can help you identify and overcome these biases, allowing you to make more informed and fair decisions. In this article, we’ll explore 10 common biases in decision-making and how … Read more

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