Ready or Not, Here I Come!

Being Ready Is A Decision More Than A Feeling

Being ready for newness or change is rare.  Most of us are dragged, kicking and screaming, towards experiences that actually result in positive growth and sometimes, the best thing that ever happened to us. 

So, why are we SO resistant?  Because, we never believe we’re EVER ready.  In reality, we DECIDE when to take the leap of faith and JUST GO FOR IT!

“Do not be tense, just be ready, not thinking but not dreaming, not being set but being flexible.”  Bruce Lee

Times They Are A-Changing

I’m struck by the number of messages on social media that refer to “getting back to normal”.  It’s as if we think we’re going to be able to go backwards in time and re-create what was.

It’s interesting and yet unsurprising.  We humans are creatures of habit and we generally resist change. In reality, we’re looking for a way to comfort ourselves.  We knew how that life worked.  It’s easier to pretend that what we’re currently experiencing is just a blip, and that delays any requirement to learn how to drive it!

What interests me most about this desire to go back to how things were is yet another way in which we resist being in the present moment.

Freedom To Create

What do you think?  Imagine it for a moment.  A world where the rules of the past no longer apply in the same way and a place where we are free to be as creative as we want, since we’re in an entirely new environment.  Who will you be?  What will you do?  How will you want to have your life?

The more we focus on the past, insisting that life will be as it was before once again, the more we demonstrate that we’re not ready to accept the change.

Being ready

We All Do It

I’ve spent days, weeks and in some cases months just telling myself “I’m not ready and I’ll know when it’s the right time.”  With hindsight, I realise that my perspective might have been a little off.  I could have been lying to myself.  Perhaps what I should have told myself is, “I want to rest for a month to prepare myself for this, or “being ready is just about commitment”, or “being ready is a decision you CHOOSE rather than something you wait for”, or “your life purpose isn’t something that happens to you, it’s something you create.”  Instead, I’ve spent time waiting for just the right moment.  I will never do this again – maybe!  I’ve surrounded myself with people who will challenge me next time I hide from my truth.

It's Just Programming

We are conditioned, throughout our childhood to believe that we’re not ready for newness or change.  We’re told we need to be prepared for the next big step in life.  Our teachers resist teaching us too much (I am sorry to say, I’ve done this too in the past) in case we get too far ahead in terms of knowledge.  It’s FARCICAL!  

Our parents try to protect us from ideas they believe we’re not ready for or experiences they think might be negative, without realising that’s just their experience they’re projecting onto us.

Everything Always Works Out

We hold ourselves back when we’re faced with big decisions that we don’t believe we’re ready to make.  Ask yourself honestly, have you ever NOT managed anything that life has thrown at you?  We are also constantly being held back by societal norms, by what other people might think, by what other people believe about us.

So, ask yourself.  Are you ready to commit to yourself?  Are you ready to commit to what you want?  If the answer is yes, YOU’RE READY and you’ll work the rest out along the way!

You’ve got this!  Trust in you 🙂

“It’s not about being ready or feeling prepared all the time; sometimes you just have to do what you know you have to do. And when you do – you will always see that you’re more ready and more prepared than you realize. Never doubt yourself or you may never do anything of significance.”  A.J. Darkholme

Find Out More About Working With Me

If you’d like to find out more about coaching with me, or if you’d like to arrange a call to see if we’re a good fit for on another, please send me an email to

You can book coaching online here.

If you’re interested in group training and coaching, you can check out my Farcical Life Programmes here.

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